3 Tips For a Boss Lady

3 Tips For a Boss Lady

We are about to enter the busiest time of the year. As magical as the holiday season can be, it can also be overwhelming. Whether you’re a business owner and you’re checking inventory, planning marketing, or organizing events. Or a mom getting her home ready for guests and planning family activities that everyone will complain about. Stress levels are high! I want to share 3 helpful tips that will help you not only get through this holiday season but will help you get through it like a Boss Lady!

The first is to learn! I am sure this isn’t your first rodeo. Whether you believe things happen for a reason or not, you can learn from past experiences. Before the start of this busy season sit down and revisit last year. Sit down with a pen and paper in hand and write down what went well and what could’ve gone better. Write down your thoughts as soon as you think them. Processing information in this way helps you learn from your past experiences and allows you to grow.

This brings me to my second tip, Have a plan. Once you know what you have to work on put a plan in place. One can’t predict the future but you can have a routine in place to help you mitigate unexpected situations. Having a plan also prevents procrastination, which is the enemy of any mom or business owner. One of my favorite sayings is “You don’t have to get ready if you stay ready!” Meaning if you have a plan, you are always ready.

And lastly, prioritize yourself! I am going to be frank with this one. There is no business without you. Your family needs you healthy if you are going to continue to care for them. It seems easy to compromise sleep, exercise, and healthy eating when we are too busy but you will pay for it in the long run. As a boss lady, your health must come first. Happy people know that one of the most important things in life is health; mental, physical, and emotional. Get comfortable setting boundaries. Working around the clock doesn’t benefit anyone, not even the customer. Because I can guarantee you the quality of work you do isn’t the greatest when you are sleep deprived and hangry! And lastly, get comfortable making time for yourself. Sleep in once in a while, and take a day for R&R. You will come back refreshed, empowered, and ready to take over the world like the boss lady you are!
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