Bury Your Fears, Not Your Talent!

Bury Your Fears, Not Your Talent!

When we work with what we’ve been given there is growth and multiplication. The only time we fail is when we don’t try.- By Jovianna Palacio


I must say I am proud of where I am in life. And as I get older, I look for ways to keep growing. I’ve recently started taking time to read ten pages a day every day. Now books can’t be fiction or a magazine. It has to be a physical book. Nothing electronic I get too distracted. One of the books I’m reading talks about small changes I can make to help me be my best! The best version of me, which has been interesting, funny, and hurtful all at the same time. 


How many of you know dealing with our hurt, fears, and insecurities isn’t easy? One subject that stood out to me is how certain habits, thoughts, and behaviors have protected us in the past as children or in bad relationships, for example. Are hindering us from growth and success in the present. Guys, I am asking you to get transparent and vulnerable here. Take a few minutes to think about behaviors, thoughts, and habits that you’ve developed as a shield to protect you from an abusive relationship. Maybe a tough childhood, fear of getting ridiculed, or fear of failure Behaviors like RBF (resting mean face), walking with your eyes down, never smiling at people as you pass them, and getting defensive for no reason. 


Thoughts like “why would I even try. So many others do it better”, and “there’s no way I will ever succeed at this.” And “everyone else is doing it. What makes me special?” Habits like not keeping your word and never fully committing to something. Now think of how many opportunities you have missed to grow your business, or meet the right person to help you build your network because we subconsciously have these defense mechanisms. Now I am not saying that you should drop your guard and walk around as if it’s all rainbow and unicorns. However, hear me out. We all have a talent, a passion, that thing that you daydream about being able to do for a living. Maybe it’s not something you want to do for a living, but you genuinely enjoy doing it. But you don’t do it for fear of failure or what others will think. You talk yourself out of embracing opportunities because you don’t trust anyone.


As I read this book, a story in the Bible came to mind called “The parable of the Talents”, 1 to summarize a man divided his wealth between three servants, to each He gave according to his ability. Now how much he gave to each one doesn’t matter. What matter is what each of them did with what they were given. The first and second servants, the Bible says, “went at once and put their money to WORK”. They were each able to double their money. But the third servant, afraid of what would happen to him if he lost the money, hid it. When the master was back, the first and second servants had doubled what was given to them, and the third servant gave him back what was given to him. 


Now, who would you say was winning at life? Why am I sharing this with you? We too have been given “something”. We each have a talent. Something to offer the world that helps others. What are you doing with it? Are you putting it to work? Or are you allowing fears, doubts, bad habits, and thoughts to stop you? The Bible says this third servant “hid the money.” Are you hiding? Do you avoid conversations about your business or talent because you’re scared of ridicule or failure? Do you find yourself saying, “it feels awkward or weird to talk about it, whatever it is.” 


I’m here today to tell you, stop listening to those negative thoughts. Stop giving in to your fear. Don’t allow habits like procrastination to stop you any longer. We are at the beginning of a new year, and every morning we are allowed to do better to do more than the day before. I want to encourage you today to step outside of your comfort zone. Leave the excuses behind and trust in God. Trust that the desire, passion, and talent you have is God-given. Only you can do what you can do. There is only one you in this lifetime. How will you live your life? 

Girl, you no longer need to push others away, fear failure or run from opportunities to grow your business. Trust that God is in control of the unknown, and do what is within your power. 


The reward is clearly stated in this story. When we work with what we’ve been given there is growth and multiplication. The only time we fail is when we don’t try. Most important of all, love yourself, trust yourself, and trust God! 




1 “Bible Gateway Passage: Matthew 25:14-30 - Contemporary English Version.” Bible Gateway, 1995. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+25%3A14-30&version=CEV. 

2 Sincero, Jen. You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life. Running Press, 2017. 

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