Don't Look Back

Don't Look Back

By Vionette LeGrand ( Owner of Creation by One "It's not about perfection, but being one of a kind.)

I remember one time being at a KFC, for those that do not know KFC is Kentucky Fried Chicken. When I was 13, that was the place to be! It was a small buffet, but I thought it was the best buffet in the world! As I made a line for the buffet, and gathered my food. I happily started to walk over to my table. As I walked thinking "How delicious the fried chicken on my plate was going to be", something unimaginable happened. I slipped and fell. My food went flying all over, and I instantly fell to the floor and my pride went with it. I quickly got up, grabbed my things from the floor, and threw everything away. What happened to me was so embarrassing, and I had a battle wound to prove it! I got a rug burn on my elbow from the slip and fall. I was so embarrassed I wanted to shrivel up and disappear.

When we finally got home. I ran to my room and replayed the falling scene over, and over again. I started thinking, maybe if I didn't stare at that tasty chicken and kept my eyes up. Maybe if I had someone help me with the full plate. It finally became late at night, and it was time to go to sleep and I was still thinking MAYBE IF. My elbow was hurting. I was sore, in pain, and embarrassed but I finally fell asleep.

That morning when I woke up my elbow was in pain, and my mind wanted to go back to that moment at KFC, but I had to give myself a pep talk and remind myself that I couldn't sit in the maybe's and what if's. What happened, happened, and I had to move on with my day!

Many of us have memories that we wish had never happened. These could be embarrassing moments, such as slipping and falling, a job that used us and abused us, or memories of failed relationships. These memories can be difficult to deal with but it's important to remember that everyone has negative experiences from time to time. It's okay to acknowledge these memories, but it's also important to focus on the positive things in life and move forward.

I once was in a job where the portrayal on the outside was a supportive work environment, but when you looked at the interlacing scenes in the background it was secretly abusive. On one side, they would make you believe that they were there for you, but then on the other side, you would see things and overhear things that were not positive about you. Oftentimes, it made me believe that I was crazy! (Note: if you are in an environment like this, it is not a healthy environment run!!!)

I knew this environment wasn't healthy, but I didn't want to leave the fake "FAMILY" as they would say, because it's all I knew. I was someone there, but faintly I kept hearing a voice that said, "Run I have something better for you." Now if you are a Christian, you know that that faint voice is the Holy Spirit. I kept hearing this voice, but I kept ignoring it because of the picture of what this job portrayed that I could be. After hearing the lies for almost a year and a half I decided that the best step for me and my family was to leave and never look back. Not because of the bad or the good, but because I wouldn't be able to see the good that God had before me.

A story in the Bible that reminds me of my story maybe if, I can't leave, and what if, is the story Lot. In Genesis 19:12-13 it says,

"The two men said to Lot, “Do you have anyone else here—sons-in-law, sons or daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you? Get them out of here, because we are going to destroy this place. The outcry against the Lord against its people is so great that he has sent us to destroy it. So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who were pledged to marry his daughters. He said, “Hurry and get out of this place because the Lord is about to destroy the city!” But his sons-in-law thought he was joking."1

If you do not know the full story I would encourage you to read all of Genesis 19. The two men were angles. These angels were telling Lot that the place he was in Sodom and Gomorra their sins were so grave that the Lord was going to destroy the cities. When Lot went to tell his son in laws about what was about to happen they thought he was joking.

Now let's stop there. When God asks you to do something many will not agree. When I left my position many people couldn't understand why I left, and can I be truly honest? Many people didn't want to understand because they were happy where they were and getting what they wanted, they didn't want to see what was truly going on. (Note: If a job is truly healthy they shouldn't have to say every ten seconds you are in a healthy environment. The environment should speak for itself!) You see God sometimes has a word for us and it's okay if others do not believe you or understand you, there is nothing to prove!

In Genesis 19:15-17 it says,
With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, “Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished.” When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the Lord was merciful to them. As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, “Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!”2

As we can see Lot hesitated, you see everything he had was there. His friends, family, and belongings. He was known there, but the angels were clear DON'T LOOK BACK. I wonder how many of us God is asking to move from an environment that makes us feel like we are known but is not healthy for us. This could be a friendship, church, job, etc. You might have been like me. That job that you felt like you were somebody, but it wasn't healthy for you, and the people that were around you were toxic and killing you from the inside out. If God is asking you to step out it's for a reason. Do not resist it.

As we continue the story in Genesis 19:23-25 it says,
"By the time Lot reached Zoar, the sun had risen over the land. Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens. Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt."3

We can see that the reason that God destroyed everything was clear. It wasn't good. If you find yourself in a season of transitioning but want to go back when you know it's not good for you DON'T LOOK back. Where ever you find yourself know that God is asking you to separate or move out of an environment for a reason. With all of the warnings that God gave Lot and his wife, Lot's wife still looked back. This allowed me to understand that God will call many to step out, but many will not want to and reminisce on what they thought was good, but truly wasn't.

When I think of my story of the job I was in. I will not lie sometimes I wish I could go back and change things. Sometimes I wish I would have stayed instead of left. Not because there was good there, but because I was someone there. But then I hear this voice that constantly reminds me DON'T LOOK BACK I have something so much better for you.

I can say that God had something better in plan for my life! Today, I own businesses. In each business, I have been able to encourage, pray, and support people like me. That found themselves forgetting who God called them to be. My life today is beyond fulfilling, not because of me, but because I answered God's calling to not look back.

Reflecting on past experiences can sometimes hinder one's ability to move forward and focus on the future. While it can be valuable to learn from past mistakes and successes, dwelling too much on the past can prevent us from taking action toward what God is calling us to do. It's important to find a balance between reflecting on the past and actively working towards a better future.

Remember, DON'T LOOK Back.



1|2|3“Bible Gateway Passage: Genesis 19 - New International Version.” Bible Gateway, 2011. 

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Thank you Alan!

Vionette LeGrand

Great job Vio! Some good wisdom in there.


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