Failure Requires us to Grow Up, Not Give Up!

Failure Requires us to Grow Up, Not Give Up!

Let’s talk about failure for a moment. Just the other day, I was thinking about my journey through nursing school. I remember working three jobs. Wanting to make more money. I was living out of a room in a relative's home at the time. And I remember taking time away from school to go do an orientation for new hires. I reached out to the recruiter and let them know that I wouldn’t be able to stay the entire day of the first day but I would attend a full day the following day. Come to find out after being there a half day, taking time away from school which I couldn’t afford if I was unable to stay the entire orientation it didn’t count and I couldn’t be hired.

The emotions that I felt at the time were crushing. All of my efforts, time, and hopes I had were done. Just like that. As I was thinking about all of this, I had the biggest smile on my face. I smiled because God closes a door that I tried to push open. After all, he had more for me. He had other plans for me. I want to keep this short and simple. When one door closes, another opens. Or at least that’s the saying. However, the next time the door closes I want you to analyze the situation. Look past your emotions and what you are feeling. Truly sit down and pray, journal, or think about what is going on in your life. And know that God does have a bigger plan. Learn from the experience and grow! Failure is present so that we can grow. Thomas Edison said when he invented the light bulb “I didn’t fail 1000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1000 steps.” Our failures become a part of the blueprint for our success. Think about it, the person behind you will now know what steps you took that do and don’t work. The next time you fail at something don’t give up. Grow and move on!

Another quote by Thomas Edison that I love and I will end with is this, “Many life failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

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