


When we stop carrying the weight of others and ourselves and give it to God, peace can fill us, and it is easy to be grateful. -By Vionette LeGrand 


Christmas was always my favorite time of the year. Santa always brought me the right present! In the morning, I would anxiously wait for everyone to wake up. I would start making noise so people would start waking up so I could open the presents I had been waiting for all year. When my family woke up, I would tear the present paper. I would jump up and down as I got what I wanted. Have you ever experienced gratitude yourself? The kind of gratitude that made you jump up and down like me on Christmas morning.

Gratitude is, "The state of being grateful; warm and friendly feeling toward a benefactor; kindness awakened by a favor received; thankfulness." 1 What stands out in this definition is the words "The state of BEING grateful.." Being grateful is a choice. You can have all the success in the world, but success will fall short if we are not grateful for what we have. As I think about this definition, it reminds me of when I found out that Santa was not real. That shattered my heart. When I found out that Santa was not real, I was disappointed. I had to stop as a child and decided to have a choice to continue being grateful for what I received or choose to not be grateful and stay upset. What is something in your life that has caused you to lose hope and gratitude in this world or yourself?

In the word of God, it says, "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." 2 This morning, as I read the verse, it sat dear to my heart. This world is filled with so much pain and anger. If we allow this world to overcome, and consume us. Peace will not be attainable. So what does the word of God say we need to choose? The word of God says we need to choose peace and be thankful. The secret is choosing gratitude right? It sounds so easy and simple but is not as easy as it sounds. That is why we are told to choose peace and be thankful. As humans, we need to be reminded of this every day. Even if a coworker talks behind my back? Yes, choose peace and be thankful. Even if a church isolated me and mistreated me? Yes, choose peace, and be thankful. Even if I was lied about? Yes, choose peace and be thankful.

In this life, people will hurt you, or you might even hurt yourself. But we have to choose to forgive, have peace, and be grateful because it is in our gratitude that we change. Choosing gratitude is not a change in our circumstances but our character. In that, we can acknowledge that we do not have control of others and the world around us, but God does. When we stop carrying the weight of others and ourselves and give it to God, peace can fill us, and it is easy to be grateful. So today, I want to challenge you. In your journal, write down the question, What am I thankful for today? Praise God for each thing you are thankful for! I promise that even though your circumstances have not changed, you will. Why? Because there is power in GRATITUDE.

Here is a video to encourage you today. I hope that you enjoy it and that it speaks to you.

Gratitude-Brandon Lakes 

Do you need encouragement today? Leave a comment, and I would love to pray and encourage you.

 Follow me on instagram at @vionettej . I would love to hear how this blog impacted your life for the best.


1 “Gratitude.” Topical bible: Gratitude, 2004.

2  Colossians 3:15

3 ibethelmusic. “Gratitude - Brandon Lake | Moment.” YouTube. YouTube, December 28, 2020.



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