It's Not Over

It's Not Over

When I was young, my dream was to become a nurse. I wanted to become a nurse because of my mom. When she was sick in the ICU, some nurses would do an amazing job, while others failed miserably. I wanted to be a nurse that would serve others with genuine care and great attention to detail. As I got older, I realized the time it took to become one would not work with what was required out of the program. Five classes before I entered my nursing Bachelor's Degree, I decided it would be best to switch majors. To be honest, I was devastated. The dream I had to help others felt so foreign, and what I thought I was going to be, turned out to be not what I expected. Little did I know that my future job would be a teacher at an Elementary school. You see when we think that our plans have been ruined. God comes through at just the right time. Sometimes plans do not go as expected, but that does not mean that it is over or that God has forgotten about us.

A story that comes to mind when I hear the phrase " It's Not Over" is Joseph from the bible. What I have learned in my journey is that God places dreams in our hearts. These dreams are not meant for everyone to know. When God puts these dreams into our hearts, not everyone will support us. I have also learned that the way the dream will come to pass is not the way we think, and lastly when we think about giving up on the dream God will remind us that IT'S NOT OVER.

One thing, I can tell you from experience is that the dream that God places into your heart is not meant for everyone. Delivering the dream at the right time is important. In Genesis 37:5,8 it says,

"5 Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more.....” 8 His brothers said to him, “Do you intend to reign over us? Will you rule us?” And they hated him all the more because of his dream and what he had said." 1

Jospehs' brothers hated the fact that he had this dream. The moment that Joseph shared the dream with his brothers they were stirred with more anger. Joseph's brothers hated him so much that they threw him into a cistern and sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels, which is $5.26 US dollars!!!! You see the dreams that God has given us are not always meant for everyone. You need to know who the right people are to share the dreams God has given you too. Saying your dream to the wrong people can cause problems and controversy. When I shared my dream of Creation by One with others I would hear things like " Aren't you doing too much?" or I would hear things like " You are not qualified, why do you think you would succeed?" We need to be wise about the dreams we share with other people. Sometimes they do not need to know.

I can only imagine how Joseph felt when he was sold as a slave to the Ishmaelites by his brothers. I'm sure he thought the dream to be distant, just like me with my dreams and hopes about helping others. If you read the full story of Joseph Genesis 37-50 you will eventually find that as a slave he found favor with pharo because of his ability to interpret dreams. What I love about God is that when we think that our dreams are over God has a way of fulfilling what He has promised us even when others try to destroy us and make sure that our dreams do not come to pass.

In a season of Jospeh's life, Jospeh found himself translating dreams for the Pharo that ruled Egypt. God allowed Jospeh to find favor in Pharo's eyes and he became in charge of the palace. Genesis 41: 39-40 says, "39 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you. 40 You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only concerning the throne will I be greater than you.” 2

This leads me to my second point just because you think your dream is over doesn't mean IT'S OVER. At the right time, God will allow the right people and resources to come to your life to make sure the dream he has given you is fulfilled. If you find yourself in a season of despair, or a season where the dream that God has given you hasn't come to pass remember that IT'S NOT OVER. That dream might not have gone the way you had dreamt it would, but that doesn't mean that God is not working on your behalf. Today I want to remind you that there is a God who sees you and that dream and IT'S NOT OVER.

1 “Bible Gateway Passage: Genesis 37 - New International Version.” Bible Gateway, 2011.
2 “Bible Gateway Passage: Genesis 41 - New International Version.” Bible Gateway, 2011.
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Thank you, Karla! It was AMAZING meeting you at the popup shop. I do believe it was God-sent!

Vionette LeGrand

So blessed by this. I have been blessed, inspired and hopeful by your IG page, post and blog. I finally got to go to one of your pop ups with my daughter and got to speak to you and I truly believe it was a God thing.
Thank you for your willingness yo serve and inspire others.
GB Always

Karla M Comellas

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