The Beauty of Becoming

The Beauty of Becoming

I recently went to a women’s event entitled   “Metamorphosis”.  In this event the speaker used the example of how the caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly. It is a pretty neat process when you really think about it.  Butterfly lays egg on leaf, caterpillar comes from said egg, caterpillar eats so it can grow, then it’s the cocoon of silk, when its time it emerges as a beautiful butterfly. There are however, many parts in this process that are well a bit unpleasant and delicate. Still, it was refreshing to be reminded that no matter what we go through in life with just a little faith what was meant for harm He will turn for good (Genesis 50:20).

    I however, for some reason kept digging into the process of the butterfly.   I felt that there was more about the process of becoming something beautiful that I needed to know.  So searching on Google I found this:

1) The caterpillar eats, eats, eats and eats and sheds its skin 4-5 time in order to grow just the right size before going to the next step.  In life in general, what we feed ourselves will have an effect in our walk and growth during said process.  Whatever it is, feed it faith. Whatever we feed our minds, will affect the way we carry ourselves through the process.

“Now faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” James 2:17NKJV

It is so important that we stay grounded in Gods word, stay strong in our faith and stay connected and remember His promises for us.

2) The cocoon stage.  This stage holds its risk such as predators, pesticides, or even falling of the tree when the cocoon is too soft will cause it not to survive.   Let’s face it, we are not all patient creatures and living in a world where so many things are at our reach makes us more impatient. But during our process it is so important to just wait. One wrong step and our survival or outcome of said process can be affected negatively.


“He says, be still, and know that I am God.” Psalms 46:10NIV

He knows what He is doing.  He reminds us in scripture in John 16:33 NKJV that we will have affliction but we are to trust in Him. So before you do anything out of time just stop and remember this. God doesn’t need our help he just needs us to trust the process.

3) Now The beautiful butterfly. But wait; here is what really got me.  The butterfly goes through a struggle while it’s in the process of opening its cocoon.   This process is called “rumbling” and it allows the wings to strengthen which will allow it to fly.  This process is critical for the butterflies development and freedom.  Any interference during this part of the process will cause lack in development and weak wings.  It is my opinion that the life connection in this is self explanatory. Processes, struggles they are meant to strengthen, prepare and lead us to the next season He has for us. I always tell my daughter, and I reminded her recently as she graduated high school, everything is a lesson or a stepping stone so if you evolve, learn and grow it’s not a loss.


“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;” Romans 5:3

 Each season, just like in the life of the caterpillar, brings its own process. Processes are meant for learning, for evolving, for growing and for strengthening us.  But this is only if we allow it. Value the process and the beauty of becoming someone beautiful with purpose.

This is my favorite scripture:

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. “

Whatever season you find yourself in, whatever process you are facing I pray you find peace, strength and hope in knowing that He is not done with you yet and the best is yet to come. In the meantime enjoy the beauty of becoming.


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Hey Raul! I agree with you, Karal did an amazing job writing this piece. So glad she could bless you!

Vionette LeGrand

That word is a powerful , encouraging and refreshing for one who feels that everything is a chaos in their life. Let’s step back and take a look on every situation and instead of taking it negatively let’s look what we can learn from it. Everything that happens in our life has a teaching moment; due an evaluation of the situation, did I get myself into this or is it God who wants to teach me something, or is it the enemy who wants to destroy me.Great job Karla, keep blessing others with your writing.


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