The God Moment

The God Moment

The year was 2003 and I found myself at a crossroad, in a state of confusion, in an extremely unhealthy environment, disconnected from my family and friends, hurting in many ways. I felt like I was in crowded room screaming for help and no one hears me. It was an indescribable state of brokenness.  I didn’t see a way out and I felt “Stuck”.  

There are certainly some processes that leave us lacking the strength and desire to continue.  Giving up seems like the only option until what you least expect happens. A conversation with my best friends mom whom I had not spoken to or seen in a very long time and that changed my perspective. This woman is the definition of a prayer warrior.  I know that you must be thinking “hello you could’ve just picked up the phone and called someone” But no, I couldn’t. The situation I was in was so toxic that I was completely disconnected from my loved ones. So this call was my one God moment. 

As she answers the phone and I said hello she responds with “I was expecting your call.”  She proceeds with giving me powerful words of life, a prayer that comes from the heart of a mother and advice. The one sentence that to this day resounds loud in my mind is

“Gods not done with you yet.”  

Today I want to take a moment and share what helped me through

1) Process/challenges/storms are all lessons or stepping stones to something greater God has in store for us. Remain resilient because He’s preparing you for greater things. 

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. “

2) Speak life, Gods promises into existence. Instead of the “woe is me “as we are all guilty of saying, Declare victory even in the unseen.  

Psalm 12:6 “The Lord’s promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over. 

3) Don’t give up Faith.  Nothing is impossible for our great God. 

Mathew 17:20 “You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus said to them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it would move. Nothing would be impossible”

It’s so easy to give up, feel there is no hope, no other option, no way it will be better. It is important to remember something so simple, But God. Don’t miss out on the God moment. Circumstances might not change but our perspective can. Here I am 21 years later married to a wonderful man, with two kids and blessed beyond measure.  It’s been quite a journey and we’ve had our seasonsbut God has been faithful. So rise up, dry the tears, dust yourself off and worship through it. Remember you are loved, one of a kind and created with a purpose.


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Hey Elizabeth! I’m really happy that Karla’s blog connected with you. Thank you for your kind comment!

Vionette LeGrand

God’s faithfulness… and He isn’t done with you. Great/well said encouraging words!


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