They Don’t Get It: That’s Okay

They Don’t Get It: That’s Okay


The excitement you feel about your dream, vision, business, fitness, finances, and personal goals will not be matched by everyone. Therefore you have to be careful who you share your dreams with. In this blog, I will share who you should and shouldn’t be sharing your dreams with and why!


Look at it this way. Your dreams are a seed that God has given YOU. When you look at a garden before it blooms, there isn’t anything to admire. Now if you look at the garden before it blooms as the gardener, all you see is potential, you are filled with excitement for the future because you know what you’ve planted and can picture what it will look like. The same thing happens when you share your dreams, goals, business plans, fitness goals, and financial goals with the wrong people.


The Bible gives a really good example in Matthew 13:1-9 in the parable of the sower of the seed. In this instance the seed represents people who are initially enthusiastic about their dreams but after sharing it with the wrong type of people the seed (your dreams) dies.


So today I want to talk about who should and shouldn’t share your dreams with. Now I am not saying that you shouldn’t talk about your business. Tell the world about your business and its mission. What you cannot share with everyone is the vision, the risks you’re taking, the sacrifices you’re making, and the intimate and vulnerable parts of your dream, business, and goals. Makes sense? For example, I have invested thousands of dollars in my business this year. And an uncomfortable amount of money for many people. However, I believe that investing in a website, eyelash product line, beauty sponge line, and eyelash vending machine is what I need to do to grow my business to a six-figure business. Before making that decision I wanted a sounding board. Someone to share this idea with, who would be able to provide insight, ground me, and point out things that I may not see. Before sharing this with just anyone I look at this checklist.


1. Does this person take me seriously?

2. Is this someone who knows me?

3. Is this person someone I can trust?

4. Will this person add value to my dream?

If the answer to all questions is yes, then I can share my dream/vision with this person.


Let’s look at each question a little deeper. Does this person take you seriously? When we are growing as individuals and start to change, the people around us doubt and even question that change. You don’t need that type of every around you.


Is this someone who knows you? Not every relationship in our lives is deep. Sometimes it is a shallow relationship. For example; my husband, parents, and childhood friends are relationships that I would consider deep (most of the time). Shallow relationships include; co-workers, classmates, or someone you go to church with (most of the time). The people you share a deep relationship with know you. They know your strengths and weakness, that’s a good thing because they hold you accountable. The people in your shallow relationship only know parts of you. Therefore they can’t offer the same accountability. It’s harder for them to align with your vision. Is this person someone I can trust? Do they truly support you? Or are they talking about you behind your back? I don’t know about you but I have enough doubt and insecurity as it is, I don’t need more. And lastly, will this person add value to my dream? I’m not talking about monetary value. I mean experience, wisdom, insight, network, and resources.


Who should you be sharing your dream with? Now this will vary depending on how you answer the questions listed above. But when I go through that checklist only three people cut. My husband, my dad, and my sister. My husband is my anchor. He has seen me at my worst. When I get carried away with excitement or fear he pulls me back. My dad has started and has run a very successful six-figure business from the ground up. The knowledge, wisdom, and expertise he has to offer is unmatched. And last but not least my sister. We are on very similar paths. We are both working full-time, a part-time job, raising a family, and building our business all at the same time. She is someone I can share my frustrations with and feel understood. Each one of these individuals adds value to my dream.


As I wrap up. I will end with the same statement I started. The excitement you feel about your dreams, business, fitness, finances, and personal goals will not be matched by everyone. Therefore you have to be careful who you share your dreams with. Use the checklist provided in this blog to narrow down the search. That way your dream can grow and flourish.

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Thank you Fran! You’re always to supportive!

Jojo Palacio

Love this and yes to all of it ♥️

Francesca Calderon

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