Your Walk Isn't Yours

Your Walk Isn't Yours

When I think about my life, I think about what my mom always taught me, be honest. In this day and age, we can see that honesty is rare. My mom also taught me great lessons. She taught me to love God, be honest, be kind to people I do not like, and always lend a helping hand. She was trying to teach me a lesson that nowadays people fall short of. The biggest lesson she taught me was your walk is not your own. That saying can be confusing. This world teaches us to keep to ourselves, worry about ourselves, and take care of ourselves. If you are hurt, and someone else is hurt. We are taught to worry about us first. All these things are great, but there is a problem with that. God never asks us to focus on us, but on Him and what He has called us to do. My mom showed me through her actions that our walk is not our own. I was confused. Why? Because the world said one thing, and our beliefs said another.

The story that stands out to me from the Bible is the story of Queen Esther. Esther was a clear depiction of understanding that her walk was not her own. God called Esther to save her people, the Jews from annihilation. In life, we will do things for God we do not want to do. Esther had to be asked multiple times by Mordecai to help the Jewish people. Esther avoided his request several times because of her fear of dying. Mordecai knew something that Esther did not know, and that was, his walk was not his own. What about us? What are we trying to avoid? For some of us, it might be God asking us to do something that doesn't benefit us and will not help our career, goals, and dreams in any way. For others, it might mean sacrificing and understanding that our walk is not our own and makes us feel uncomfortable.

Understand if God asks you to sacrifice something in your life, His favor will be over you. Esther 2:15 says, "When the turn came for Esther (the young woman Mordecai had adopted, the daughter of his uncle Abihail) to go to the king, she asked for nothing other than what Hegai, the king’s eunuch who was in charge of the harem, suggested. And Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her." 1 Here we can clearly see that Esther won the favor of everyone she saw. Some might say it was a coincidence, but I beg to differ. When God asks you to do something, His favor will be over you. When we experience overwhelming fear that overcomes us because God is asking us to do something out of the ordinary. I want you to think of the story of Esther. I want you to first acknowledge your fears, face your fears, and third realize that your walk is not your own.

When Esther did these three things, we can see her save her people. Esther went through a lot to stand before King Xerxes. Walking before the king could have cost her life. I am not sure where you find yourself today, but one thing I am certain, if God is asking something of you, even if it feels uncomfortable do it. Why? Because someone could be at stake, and maybe you are the person that He needs in the position, or situation to change someone's life. Many have tried to live for themselves and have found life to be meaningless, but there is POWER in understanding that Your Walk Isn't yours.


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